Blue Sky Press (1899 - 1906)
Studies in Black and White by Sara Nelson Franklin, 1899
Not in Ransom
To Omar - Spoil of the North
Wind collected by Edward Martin Moore, 1901
Ransom #12
The Glass of Time by Charlotte Becker, 1901
Ransom #14
How Jaques Came Into the Forest of Arden: An
Impertinence by Elia W. Peattie, 1901
Ransom #15
In Thompson's Wood by Forest
Crissey, 1901
Ransom #16
In a Balcony by
Robert Browning, 1902
Ransom #19
Omar Resung by
Charles G. Blanden, 1901
Ransom #20
L'Allegro and Il Penseroso by
John Milton, 1902
Ransom #21
On the Difficulty of Correct Description of Books by
Augustus De Morgan, 1902
Not in Ransom
The Fall of the House of Usher by
Edgar Allan Poe, 1903
Ransom #26
Mistress Alice Jocelyn; Her
Letters by C. Emma Cheney, 1903
Ransom #27
Castle, Knight and Troubadour by
Elia W. Peatie, 1903
Ransom #29
The Cask of Amontillado by
Edgar Allan Poe, 1904
Ransom #30
The Battle of Love by
Charles G. Blanden, 1904
Ransom #31
Sir Galahad: A Christmas
Mystery by William Morris, printed 1904
Ransom #35
The Harper and the King's
Horse by Payne Erskine, 1905
Ransom #37
The World Above; A Duologue by Martha Foote Crow, 1905
Not in Ransom
Studies in Greek Allegorical Interpretation by Anna Bates Hersman, 1905
Not in Ransom
The Blue Sky Magazine 1899 -
Ransom #38
The Pageant June 1905 - March 1907
Ransom #38
Bookplate of Frank B. Rae, Jr. by Walter J. Enright
The Deserted Village by
Oliver W. Goldsmith, printed 1898 by the Roycrofters
Illumined by Frank B. Rae, Jr.
The Year-book of the Bibliographical Society of Chicago 1900 - 1901
Essay by Thomas Wood Stevens with information regarding Frank B. Rae, Jr. and his time at Roycroft