Cranbrook Press (1900 - 1902)
The First Published Life of Abraham Lincoln by John Locke Scripps, 1900
Ransom #1
The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers
by William Caxton, 1901
Ransom #2
Three Wise Men - "Extracts from the celebrated works of M.
Aurelius Antoninus, Francis Bacon, and Benjamin Franklin" 1902
Ransom #6
Cranbrook Tales by George Booth, 1902
Ransom #7
Something About The Cranbrook Press and on Books and Bookmaking
by George G. Booth,1902
Ransom #8
The Pleasures of Planting and Other
by George G. Booth,1902
Ransom #9
Utopia by Sir Thomas More,1902
Ransom #10
Cranbrook Press References
Something About The Cranbrook Press and on Books and Bookmaking by
George G. Booth, Cranbrook Press, Detroit, Michigan, 1902
The title pretty much summarizes the book. There are tipped in pictures of
three Cranbrook Press books: The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers
(1901), Cranbrook Papers (1901), The Revelacion off Sanct Jhon
the Devine [Cranbrook's spelling, not mine] (1901).
The Cranbrook Press by Paul McPharlin in The Dolphin Number 4 Part III (Spring 1941) pp. 268-278
This article contains a wealth of information about the Cranbook Press and its books. George Booth kept detailed records of material and labor cost; McPharlin used those in writing the article. This is the best reference for the Cranbrook Press.
American Book Design and William Morris, by Susan Otis Thompson, Published
by Oak Knoll Press, New Castle, Delaware, 1996
If you are interested in American fine press books from the Arts and Crafts
period, this is the most important book you can get. It has surprising depth
in its analysis of the presses, designers, and printers working under the
influence of William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement. One Cranbrook
Press book is pictured: The Revelation of St. John the Divine (1901).
The Private Press by Roderick Cave, Published by R. R. Bowker Company,
New York, 1983
A good overview of private presses in America, England, and Europe. This
is my second favorite general reference for fine press books. Not as much
depth as Susan Otis Thompson's book, but has a couple of great chapters on
English presses (such as the Kelmscott, Vale, and Doves presses), and other
chapters on presses in Europe. One Cranbrook Press book is pictured: The
Revelation of St. John the Divine (1901).
The Arts and Crafts Movement in American 1876 - 1916, Edited
by Robert Judson Clark, Published by Princeton University Press, Princeton,
New Jersey, 1972
This book has a chapter on "The Arts and Crafts Book" written by Susan Otis
Thompson. One Cranbrook Press book is pictured: The Dictes and Sayings
of the Philosophers (1901).
Private Presses and Their Books, by Will Ransom, Published by R. R.
Bowker Company, New York, 1929
This book is mainly a checklist of private presses and the books printed
by those presses, but there are some interesting tidbits about the different
presses. The checklist for the Cranbrook Press lists 10 books.